Chatters - The Family Communication Game

The 8 chats that matter

A Lazy Susan style communication game deigned to bring families together by encouraging CHATS that matter

Family Communication


Giving our children an opportunity to share their acts of kindness encourages affirmation and reinforcement of this behavior.  The focus being on the feelings it created and the impact it had encourages more kindness.


There is significant scientific evidence to support that the daily practice of gratitude makes us happier. Practicing gratitude encourages us to be thankful for what we do have and sharing that with others.


In our busy daily lives it is important for us all to take time out to re energise ourselves. This looks different for everyone. The focus is on finding yours and making sure you make time for it regularily.


Sharing our weekly intentions with our family not only allows us to be accountable, but emphasises that each family member has intentions they would like to achieve. This helps create an understanding and respect for one another. Children are also great at keeping us parents accountable!

Self Regulation

Self regulation refers to managing our emotions in a way that is respectful to ourselves and our family. Recognising how our emotions and behaviours effect others is essential for harmony in the home.


Making mistakes is part of life, mere obstacles along the road. Normalising mistakes and encouraging our children to reflect on the lesson learnt will build their confidence.


Encouraging our children to think about their "rules" for themselves, how they stick to them and how they communicate this to others. It is important for our children to be able to say "no" without feeling unkind.


Our values should be reflected in our behavior. This chat encourages us to think about what our values are and question whether our behavior reflects them clearly.

Why Dinner TIme?

There is significant scientific eveidence to support that mealtimes provide the best opportunities for us to connect and develop a bond within our families. It also suggests:

Family dinners lead to greater family harmony.

Family dinners relieve stress.

Family dinners provide the platform for conversation, sharing and connection.

Evidence suggests that children who eat regularily with their familys are less likely to get involed in risky behavior.

You also get to look forward to

Empowering your children to learn from their mistakes.

Encouraging your children to formulate their own informed opinions.

Sharing of thoughts, feelings and opinions in a safe environment.

Opportunity to understand on a deeper level how your children think, react and reflect.

Keeping your fingers on the pulse of your children's daily activities, feelings, interactions and lives.

Cultivating authenticity in your children.

Talk through tough topics.

Developing social and communication skills in your children.

Building connections and trust.

My children love it! They want to play every night at the dinner table and its really stimulating some fantastic conversations. 

Debbie Little

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